Happy 42nd "Anninersary", Dad and Mom!
Monday, September 29, 2008
42 years

Saturday, September 27, 2008
In loving memory
January 26, 1925 - September 26, 2008
- Legendary actor
- Devoted husband of 50 years
- Father of six
- Radiant blue eyes, contagious smile, and oh so handsome
Mr. Newman, you will certainly be missed. May you rest in peace.

Thursday, September 25, 2008
Some things money can't buy...
This makes me laugh.
I must give Dayna credit for this, as I found it on her blog. I'm really not the type to be bothered by someone wanting to touch my belly - unless it's a complete stranger who doesn't have the decency to ask permission! I've experienced this first hand, and am still creeped out by it.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Goodbye babysite!

Monday, September 22, 2008
Groovin' belly

Sunday, September 21, 2008
New addition
Since Friday's big purchase, Chloe and I have broken this baby in with a sweet potato casserole, a chocolate sheet cake, and two loaves of bread. I am VERY excited for the upcoming holidays, which will only provide more opportunities to create magic in the kitchen! Neil has been joking that his waistline is going to expand significantly in the coming weeks. Guess that makes two of us, ha ha!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Preggers update

* Feeling and watching all the movements; lots of kicks in my ribs and lots of knees and elbows everywhere else. It's also fun to see the baby maneuver to one side or the other so that my belly looks lopsided.
*Baby's hiccups. I always feel the little thumps on my lower left side.
*Baby responding to Chloe's voice.
*Anticipating baby's arrival and finally discovering whether it's a boy or a girl. No, we really truly don't know the gender!
DON'T LOVE:*Heartburn, constantly feeling the urge to pee (even when I sometimes don't have to), swelling/tightening in my shins and calves, braxton hicks, tiring easily, feeling as though my internal organs are being smashed together, and, Neil's personal favorite, my absentmindedness.
We originally planned to schedule a c-section, but I recently decided to attempt a vbac. Considering the baby's head is big and my pelvis is narrow, I realize my chances are slim. But I want to experience going into labor on my own. And more importantly, I want to allow the baby to decide when s/he is ready. My doctor is 100% behind me and says he'll do everything in his power to help me succeed. Even if I end up having another c-section in the end, I'll at least know I gave it my best shot. And for that reason, I'll truly be happy with either outcome. Neil keeps joking that I'm going to go into labor on Chloe's birthday. It's a definite possibility, but if that's the case, I suppose it was meant to be!
I dreamt the other night that we had a girl. My gut has told me boy all along, but I was also positive Chloe was going to be a boy. Chloe insisted for quite a while that she was going to have a sister, but now it seems to change every time we ask her. Neil leans more towards girl, but doesn't have a strong feeling one way or another. Neither outcome will surprise me. All I really care about is having a healthy and happy baby.
2 months to go!

Saturday, September 13, 2008
Saturday Night
So now you know our Saturday night plans! What are yours?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Recipe of the Week
1 small onion, finely chopped
1 (10 3/4 oz.) can condensed cream of mushroom soup
1/4 cup milk

Monday, September 8, 2008
It's in the air...
1. The vibrant leaves and the crisp cool air.

2. Pumpkins, whether they be in pies or decorating someone's front porch.

3. Dad and Mom's annual Colorado visits, which, for this year, sadly ended this morning.

(We miss you already!)
4. Football season.

5. Thanksgiving day:
kitchen aromas, cheering football fans, warmth of loved ones gathering to celebrate gratitude.

6. The new beginnings brought by the opening of school.
7. My babies - it's apparently my season for having them.
8. Bundling Chloe up in her Halloween costume.
(I say "bundling" because our first snow of the season almost always falls Halloween night.)
{Halloween 2007}
9. Harvest scented candles, fall decor, and hot apple cider.
10. Knowing Christmas isn't far away.

Thursday, September 4, 2008
Happy Birthday, Wendy!
And now, a journey to the past...
Summer 1988
2000 (with Britt)
Our wedding days (February 9, 2001 and August 28, 2002)
July 2005 - both pregnant and both due in November (typical of us)
February 2006 (with Chase and Chloe, who were born 16 days apart)
May our friendship continue to produce lasting memories. I love you so much!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Birthday and Anniversary celebrations
Our anniversary, which we celebrated four days later, was also low-key. After our 3D ultrasound, we dropped Chloe off with a friend, headed out to find a new camera, since mine died earlier in the week, and then enjoyed a late dinner at Wingstop.

Monday, September 1, 2008
Labor Day weekend
Following the reception, a group of us took advantage of the long weekend and drove up near Breckenridge to a cabin owned by a friend of the family. We stayed there Saturday and Sunday night and just got back early this afternoon. Here are some fun pictures from our weekend.

Chloe thoroughly enjoyed eating rock candy and cheesecake, and smiling for the camera.
With the bride. Ali looked stunning!
Family of 3, very soon to be 4!
Fun Aunt Lori
L to R: me, Neil, Lori, Ryan, Ali, Brady, Brad, Courtney, & Chloe
Then onto the cabin...
All bundled up and ready to go!
Fun with Mommy's belly
Just playin' around!
This girl sure does love her daddy!
with cousin Brady
with Uncle Brad & Courtney
Thanks for the great weekend, family! Happy Labor Day!