Tough Love
Most of America's population think it's improper to spank children, so I have tried other methods to control my kids when they get out of hand.
One that I've recently found to be most effective is to take my child for a car ride and talk it out. He usually stops misbehaving after that.
I've included a photo below of one of our recent 'sessions,' just in case you'd like to try the technique out yourself.
A Friend

That's funny. Go ahead and email my sister and tell her I sent you. She might be able to figure out what the problem is. Actually, go to "Rachel's Room" in my family links and comment, leave her your email. I will tell her you are trying to get a hold of her.
AWESOME! I will have to try that with my Tyler
Your blog looks great. Looks like you were able to fix it back to normal with stuff on the side. I love the graphics!
Looks like you fixed it! Sorry I couldn't help sooner.
Glad you figured it out, Honey. Looks great!
Love you!
Your blog looks great. What did you do to figure it out?
i had to laugh out loud at this one! hee he maybe joel would respond better to this type of discipline
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