And off we go...
Well we are off to sunny Florida, painted toes and all! We are renting a condo in Pensacola (right on the beach) with Neil's entire family. It is going to be an absolute blast! Introducing Chloe to the ocean, building sand castles, relaxing in the sunshine, applying sun screen every 45 minutes, actually finding time to sit down with a good book, eating yummy food, moonlight walks along the shore, card games, sleeping in, lots of laughter, you get the idea. :) I won't be bloggin' for a while, but when we return I will most definitely post pictures. Have a safe and relaxing 4th, everyone! Tata!
To say I'm jealous would be an understatement :) Have a wonderful trip! Can't wait to see pictures when you return!
Too much fun! Have fun on your R&R trip...a little jealous. Thanks for your help with the phone number. Can't wait to see pics.
What a couple of pairs of precious feet.....and pretty toes too. So happy for all of you! It will be so wonderful to relax all together and just be a lady of leisure with your sweet family.....and Neil's whole family. Lots of fun.....lots of love.....
Love love love,
Mama/Gma Jill
I hope you all have a great time on your trip!! And be sure to be safe!!
Aunt Carolyn
I am so jealous but excited for you! I hope you have tons of fun!
Have a great time!!!!
Cute toenails. You would definitely be Rebecca's best friend if you painted her toes like that.
SOOOO jealous! Have fun...I mean, you will but have some fun for me. :)
I bet you are having such an awesome time! Be safe and enjoy every minute!
On another note, I hope you don't mind that I borrowed, or stole ;), your "favorite things" slide show idea. I just loved it and had to make one for each of my boys. I hope you don't mind...
Talk to you soon!
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