Thank GOODNESS Comfort finally got eliminated. She was getting so old. It seemed like the weeks were dragging on with her being so close to leaving but then somehow managing to skid by. She's a great hip hop dancer, don't get me wrong, but anything else that's been thrown at her has been a mess!
Will was by far the best technical dancer (of ALL of the remaining dancers, I think), and for that reason I feel he deserved to win the competition. Then again, Cat always says the hunt is for America's "Favorite Dancer", not America's "Best Dancer". Regardless, I think America blew it this week. Cristi, have you started eating your shoe yet? I'm about to join you.
Sorry for the not nice talk, but this girl had to vent! Here's to another week of unpredictability!
I was in shock too... I told Bryce we need to start voting cuz all the good people are getting voted off. I agree about Mark I think he needed to go a while ago. So I think my vote is for Twitch, he is my favorite guy. The girls I don't know I can't decide with them, and your allowed to vent it's your blog so don't be sorry :)
I was in shock too... I told Bryce we need to start voting cuz all the good people are getting voted off. I agree about Mark I think he needed to go a while ago. So I think my vote is for Twitch, he is my favorite guy. The girls I don't know I can't decide with them, and your allowed to vent it's your blog so don't be sorry :)
You beat me to it! I was about to post the exact same thing on my blog. I am pissed that Will is gone! I also wanted him to win! In fact, I am upset about a lot of the dancers that they have sent home already. Comfort should not have been allowed to come back so I am more than happy that she is gone. I don't know who I want to win now...
I am sad about Will too. He was one of my favorites. What are people thinking!
I ws more than shocked myself. I threw my remote down and yelled that the competition was rigged. I COULDN'T believe it!! Will is one of the best dancers and I am still stunned about it this morning. I thought for sure Mark would be gone. I can't believe it.
I'm right there with you on Comfort. I was unimpressed by her dancing the entire time. She couldn't get her background out of her head and wasn't really that great on anything else she was given. I'm glad she was finally cut. Hopefully she won't return. My final prediction will be Katee for girls and i'm up in the air on guys....
This is Amber, Wendy's sister-in-law! I am a big fan of Will and was very upset that he left. The majority of the people who vote must not understand exactly what it is that they are voting for! I wish only people with a dancer's background or an artistic eye could vote...that may help!
O.k. I have to admit, I kind of like Mark, not because I think he is a great dancer but I feel like he has been the underdog since the beginning. And I guess I tend to go for the underdogs. And to admit again, I felt that Will had no personality no connection, but a great dancer. I agree I really like Twitch I hope he wins. And I do agree Comfort has been annoying me for a very long time. But I know nothing about dance :)
I am glad that you left a message on our blog. Jack will be one just after you have your new little one. I am sure it will go fast.
I really don't watch SYTYCD, so I don't have a comment about that. But, your blog is cute and I will check it often.
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