I spent the morning volunteering with some women from church at the Marian House Soup Kitchen. Sadly, this was the first time I've ever done anything like this. It was humbling to say the least. Over 430 people, homeless or of low income showed up for lunch. I worked in the back of the main dining area, collecting dirty plates, cups and utensils, and in the process interacted with many. I'll have to say I was especially touched by those who cleaned their plates entirely and offered me a very genuine "thank you!" on their way out the door. It showed me just how grateful they were for what very well could have been their only meal of the day. I took a break around noon and went and sat in a separate dining area, designated for families with small children. It was tough watching some of those kiddos scarf down their food as if it was the last meal they'd ever eat. One little family in particular really got me. It was a young mother with her three year old son and ten month old daughter. The sweet little baby and I kept making eye contact, and each time she'd give me a big huge smile. She was quite a flirt, actually, and oh so cute! I don't know that I've ever in my life seen such a smiley baby before! What an example she was, that even in the midst of struggles and heartache, it's still possible to wear a smile!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Feelin' grateful...
I spent the morning volunteering with some women from church at the Marian House Soup Kitchen. Sadly, this was the first time I've ever done anything like this. It was humbling to say the least. Over 430 people, homeless or of low income showed up for lunch. I worked in the back of the main dining area, collecting dirty plates, cups and utensils, and in the process interacted with many. I'll have to say I was especially touched by those who cleaned their plates entirely and offered me a very genuine "thank you!" on their way out the door. It showed me just how grateful they were for what very well could have been their only meal of the day. I took a break around noon and went and sat in a separate dining area, designated for families with small children. It was tough watching some of those kiddos scarf down their food as if it was the last meal they'd ever eat. One little family in particular really got me. It was a young mother with her three year old son and ten month old daughter. The sweet little baby and I kept making eye contact, and each time she'd give me a big huge smile. She was quite a flirt, actually, and oh so cute! I don't know that I've ever in my life seen such a smiley baby before! What an example she was, that even in the midst of struggles and heartache, it's still possible to wear a smile!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
A work in progress
Here's the house in its current state.
Saying goodbye to the last of the brown... good riddance!
Nothing spectacular at this point, but anyone who has seen our house in person would agree that it already looks better. We still have trim, shutters, the front door, and possibly the garage doors left (depending on whether or not their current color blends with the rest of the house once we are finished). I'll post true before and after photos once the job is complete.

Sunday, May 25, 2008
It's official...WE ARE CRAZY!!
- We are almost ready to landscape the backyard - yay! (just have to install sprinklers), and we figure it's much smarter to paint now rather than after we've laid sod and planted bushes and flowers right up against the house.
- We have a paint sprayer (yet another amazing Craigslist find)! We actually bought it for the sake of painting the basement, but made very good use of it yesterday and will once again crank it up tomorrow! What a HUGE difference it has already made for us!
- I have re-gained my energy, am not awkwardly large (yet) and can still maintain my balance. Don't worry, Mom, I haven't gotten too high up on the ladders.
- The weather is perfect - warm, but not HOT! My only wish is that the wind calms down a bit tomorrow!
Speaking of Neil, here he is in action yesterday! More pictures to come...
On a side note, if any of you are around tomorrow and want to drop by with some fresh lemonade, we'll gladly welcome it (clear of throat... STELENE!, WHO LIVES RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET)! Only kidding, unless you really are feeling charitable! :)

Thursday, May 22, 2008
Chloe's latest treasure
Poor Emme probably felt left out watching the big kids play!
Silly silly kids...
I am hoping we continue to have beautiful days. I sure am ready for it to warm up FOR GOOD!

Monday, May 19, 2008
I've been tagged...
My Random Three's
1. I am fascinated with the city of New Orleans; the music, architecture, culture (voodoo, which I really know nothing about), creole and cajun food, the people, their "yat" dialects, and the cemeteries with above-ground tombs. Some of my favorite movies take place in the south, and what I've seen of it myself I have loved. But for some reason there's something extra appealing about New Orleans. Neil is going there next month on business, and I'm jealous.
2. This one may change your opinion of me forever! Oh well, here goes... I love twisted and disturbing crime shows/movies and stories, even if they give me the worst nightmares. Ted Bundy and all those other crazy serial killers who took crime to the next level absolutely terrify me, but at the same time I can never seem to get enough of them, whether it's reading a detailed article or description of just what they did, or watching some random documentary. Even the thought of touring a prison, especially with death row inmates totally fascinates me, though I'd never actually have the guts to do it, or the opportunity, I'm sure. And while I'm spilling the beans, I'm also totally fascinated with corpses and the autopsy process, etc. We had some good friends in college (Brad and Maria) who lived above a mortuary (weird, I know), and I remember going down to the office with Maria one day (they did some work for the mortuary, which lowered their rent) and walking by gurneys holding dead bodies, and also walking by the room where they performed autopsies and the embalming procedures, and seeing a couple bodies laying on the exam tables. TOTALLY creeped me out, but at the same time my twisted mind wanted to see more! I'm whacked out, I know.
3. On a much lighter note, I am addicted to the Discovery Health channel. The miracle of life, the human body and the doctors and scientists who have found solutions to the most mysterious medical questions just amaze me. I especially love the shows about labor and delivery, but could be content watching just about anything else the channel offers.
I tag: all my cousins - you know who you are!

Friday, May 16, 2008
Potatoes, potatoes, and MORE potatoes!
Scrub potatoes with brush and cut them into quarters (I only cut mine in half because they were so tiny to begin with). Arrange quarters (or halves) in large heavy skillet in one layer. They must fit snugly. Pour in broth and bring to a boil. Cover tightly and cook about 4 minutes, shaking skillet over high heat until almost all liquid has evaporated. Lower heat, add butter and cook gently 10 minutes, uncovered, shaking skillet often. Test with fork. Partly cover and set aside; keep warm. Sprinkle with salt, chopped parsley and chives just before serving. Serves 4-5.

Thursday, May 15, 2008
One Week...
...from tonight, my favorite show (well, next to The Office) premieres!
American Idol, you don't even hold a candle to this magic!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Lucky girls
And what made her (and her mommy) even luckier is that they got to see daddy and have lunch with him! Neil has NEVER missed any of my doctor's appointments (with this pregnancy or the last). In fact, my appointment last month happened to land on one of his Pueblo days, which was especially difficult for him because on top of having to leave Pueblo earlier than usual to get to Colorado Springs in time for my 4:00 appointment (a good 50 miles), he had a dinner program that same evening BACK IN PUEBLO. The poor guy definitely made some sacrifices to be there, but never once complained! I don't know about you, but I think that says a lot. I sure do love my Neil.
And speaking of doctor's appointments, today's went very well. We got to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time. It was music to my ears, let me tell you! At 155 beats per minute, it sounded as strong and healthy as ever! Once again, relief! And yippee, as of this Friday, goodbye first trimester, hello second! And, while we're on the subject, I felt the baby move for the first time last Thursday. They are just little thumps at this point (mostly on my right side), but they'll get MUCH stronger with time. What incredible things. I am very fortunate.

From the mouth of Chloe...
- Grandma Jill: "Are you a sweetie pie?"
Chloe: "No, I'm Chloe Mae Andersen." Then a few seconds later, in a soft voice, "I'm not a pie." - Pointing at a zit on my face, "That's a big mole!" An honest two-year-old and pregnancy acne - 2 things you've just gotta love!
- After convincing daddy to lay down next to her on the living room floor, Chloe said in an authoritative tone, "Go to sleep! Close your eyes! Don't open them again!" Then she kissed him on the forehead.
- While banging on the piano, "I'm playing Chapsticks!"
- "He touched the butt!" (A word for word quote from Finding Nemo - "butt" is actually supposed to be "boat"). Apparently Chloe has found the humor in this and repeats it quite frequently.
- In the midst of a slight cough attack I asked Chloe if she wanted some water. She nodded, and a few seconds later said, "Actually, I would like juice! How about juice!?"
- Many of you are familiar with the 'Clean up' song learned in primary and/or pre-school. In case you aren't, it goes like this: "Clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere. Clean up, clean up, everybody do your share." Here's Chloe's version: "Clean up, clean up, everybody else!" Manipulative child!
- This morning after informing Chloe of our agenda for the day, she repeated back to me her own interpretation, which was: "Let's go to Dr. Baer's and get a sucker and THEN go to the store and get a cookie!" Funny how I never mentioned anything about treats!

Monday, May 12, 2008
Father Daughter Fun
Here is Neil and Chloe's afternoon ritual. I generally stay in the other room during their "throw me at the pillows" game, in fear I'll otherwise witness Chloe's head going through the wall at any second! Still, it's pretty funny stuff. This girl has no fear.

Thursday, May 8, 2008
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Recipe of the Week
Taco Casserole
1 pound ground beef
8 ounces macaroni
1/2 cup chopped onion
1 (10.75 ounce) can condensed tomato soup
1 (14.5 ounce) can diced tomatoes
1 (1.25 ounce) package taco seasoning mix
2 ounces shredded cheddar cheese
2 ounces shredded monterey jack cheese
3/4-1 cup crushed tortilla chips
Optional toppings:
Chopped green onions
Sliced black olives
Sour cream
Preheat oven to 350.
Cook pasta in large pot of boiling water until almost done (it will continue to cook some in the oven). Drain.
In large skillet, cook and stir ground beef and chopped onion over medium heat until brown. Mix in tomato soup, diced tomatoes, and taco seasoning mix. Stir in pasta.
Spoon beef mixture into a 9x13 inch baking dish. Sprinkle crumbled tortilla chips and grated cheese over the top.
Bake 25-30 minutes. Serve with optional toppings or whatever else you'd like!
*I've found that the diced tomatoes often have larger chunks of tomato than I'd like so I throw them straight from the can into a food chopper for 10 seconds before throwing them into the pan. Just a personal preference.
*I never measure the cheese. I just sprinkle a handful of both over the top of the casserole.
*Next time I make this I'm going to add canned corn and possibly black beans!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
The latest with us...
The ultrasound was awesome, and boy was the baby showing off for Grandma - jumping, waving, and kicking. S/he measured two more days ahead of schedule from last time. Guess it just shows we've got a healthy growing baby in there! You can certainly tell by looking at my bump.
At one point the technician asked if we wanted to know the baby's gender. When I asked if she could detect it this early she said she often can. Pretty impressive for being only 12 weeks along! Though the thought crossed my mind, I knew Neil would K-I-L-L me. Not only would he be disappointed if I found out without him, but we've decided, once again, that we are going to let this one be a surprise. Sorry guys! You're just gonna have to wait! If it's any consolation to you though, my gut says boy, WHICH MEANS we are having a girl! We learned with Chloe that my "mother's intuition" is non-existent (I swore she was a boy up until the moment she was born)!

Thursday, May 1, 2008
Very VERY funny!
{be sure to scroll down and pause my music before hitting "play"}