Ryan refused to take a morning nap.
Instead, he screamed in his crib for 45 minutes before I finally gave in and rescued him.
Upon entering his room I was startled to find a naked boy sitting in one corner of the crib,
and a diaper sitting in the other.
Ryan figured out how to take his diaper off? Seriously?
Despite my shock and slight annoyance, I was relieved to find no wet spots anywhere (or worse). Then, because I'm me, I decided to grab the camera. After all, this was quite a monumental moment in this boy's first year of life, and what kind of mother would I be not to capture it?
I raced to the office then back to his room, crossing my fingers the whole time that he hadn't peed.
Naturally, as I was ready to take a picture, he did just that.
He was quite pleased with himself, as if you can't tell.

Suddenly duct tape has a whole new meaning.