So there is apparently a lot of hype over Stephanie Meyer's Twilight Series. It was the main topic of discussion during my visiting teachers' last visit, and I vaguely remember Shannon posting something about the first of the series a few months back. One friend, who doesn't even enjoy reading told me she hibernated on the couch for three days, practically neglecting her own family, because she just couldn't stop reading!
So, without giving anything away, tell me what the hype is all about? What makes these books so dang addicting, desirable and different from the other choices out there? How is it possible for 1,690 pages to feel like 25?

Oh yeah, and does anyone have a copy of the first book they'd be willing to part from for a few days?
I have the first book and yes you may borrow it! You'll blaze through it! There is so much to talk about with these books! Just try it 'em out yourself!
I'm obsessed. They are wonderful! Who the heck knows what makes them so addicting, but I read all three in six days. You'll love them!!!! And I will love talking to you about them, so read up Valeri!
Yes, you will absolutely love these books! I'm only 1/2 way through the second book, but I'm now addicted too :)
So, being the author's cousin, I can tell you that they are the best books you will ever read. I have all three, so if you ever need to borrow them, you are more than welcome to them. I felt like I was living in a fantasy land and wanted to be in the book myself. Its romance and reality all mixed together. By reality, I totally don't mean "real", but Bella's story could be my life...with a few minor details totally not possible. You'll love them. Fast reads and well worth it.
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