Okay. So it's still not where I want it to be, but it's getting closer.
Click here to see it!
Tonight I finally put some music of choice on there, and added a slide show to the home page. My brother wrote the rendition of 'Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star". I think it's absolutely fitting, considering babies and children are where my heart is in all of this. Here are the things I'm still working on, for what it's worth:
- shorten the introduction of 'Twinkle, Twinkle...'
- make it so the music continues to play no matter where you're browsing (currently it starts over every time you click a new link - annoying!)
- slow down the slide shows
- figure out a way to fill the space when a vertical photo appears (too much white background - need to have 2 vertical photos side by side, I think)
- play with the color scheme (am thinking of changing the background to black, and my logo to the original lime green I had it at before)
- re-edit several photos (hey, you get better with time! And frankly, a lot of my photos could look a lot better!)
- add some font variety
I'll get there. I do want to say a big thanks to a few people:
FIRST, Holly Bliss, who designed my logo.
SECOND, Eric Jensen, who literally built this site from the ground up.
THIRD, fellow-photographers who have spent time with me and willingly shared what they know (David Pacheco, who took THIS PHOTO of my dad and me - just to give you an idea of how long I've known this guy!), Brian Mickelson and Rachael Pullman, who without hesitation gave of their time to help me become a better photographer.
FOURTH, David Halliday, who aside from being an awesome brother, has spent hours working on the music, and will, no doubt spend plenty more, as he is like his kid sister: a perfectionist.
FIFTH & FINALLY, my family! My dad, who convinced me to make the jump and purchase a DSLR! My mom, who is my biggest fan. Neil's parents, siblings, etc., who have all been nothing but encouarging. My children, who have been very patient practice subjects...
...And Neil, who has been an incredible husband, teacher, supporter and partner. I am amazed by him. He wants this for me just as much as I do, and has shown it both by action and word.
David is planning to write renditions of several of my favorite songs, which I'll eventually add to the site (perhaps in the form of a medley - we haven't decided yet). So far the songs on the list (that I can think of right now) include: 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow', 'What a Wonderful World', 'When You Wish Upon a Star', and 'My Heavenly Father Loves Me' (both David's and my favorite Primary song).
So there you have it! A rough draft of Valeri Andersen Photography! I am open to suggestions, if you have any. Thank you, loved ones, for your support and encouragement. It has truly meant to the world. XOXO.