When Neil and I got married almost nine years ago, my sweet Grandma Martha, who celebrated her 94th birthday last December, gave me a beautiful cedar chest. I'm not sure how far back it goes or even where she got it, but she had had it for a long time and was now adamant that I have it. I was honored. Not only would it make a charming addition to our home, but I would always have something to remember her by.
Well it made its way around over those
almost nine years, and even spent a couple years in my parents' basement because we didn't have room for it in our first Colorado home. Last May, after
Brad and Courtney's BYU graduation and on their way to Georgia, they drove through Colorado and brought the chest to us (thank you again, guys). In September, it made its way with us to California, and last month Neil refinished it. So even though it's been ours for nearly a decade, it has just now found a place in our home.
I love this chest. It fills some space and looks great below our front room windows. I'm even thinking it could make a great newborn prop. But while it holds many uses, it represents something so much deeper than just a pretty piece of furniture. I will forever treasure it, and am so grateful for my grandma and for Neil.
Speaking of newborn props and Neil, here's something else which is a direct result of his handy work.
I spotted a doll bed just like this on a photography website back in January and showed it to Neil. "I could build that!", he said. And so he did! When it's not being sat upon by a cute little baby, it resides in Chloe's bedroom. The kids love playing "house" with it, and it will no doubt be passed down many generations.
I love seeing things in my home that hold meaning and sentimentality. This chest and doll bed are just two of the many pieces I expect to admire in the coming years as Neil continues to put his handy work to use.